How to Drive Safely During Storm Season

You might find yourself caught up in bad weather while driving on the road. Conditions such as hail, lightning, and heavy rain can all increase the risk of car accidents.


If you find yourself caught up in a storm and bad weather conditions, the following tips will help you to drive safely.

How To Drive Safely In A Storm

The storm season may be the worst time to drive safely. However, with the following safe driving tips it will be easier for you to drive safely during this time and have increased driving confidence.


  1. Never Speed During Storm Season

Speeding is the main cause of car accidents during storms. The roads are slippery and it can be very difficult to stop a speeding car during storms.


It is also advisable to maneuver more gently during storms to avoid accidents as any sudden manoeuvres can cause the car to skid.


  1. Keep Both Hands On the Wheel

Sudden crosswinds can occur while driving which can shake your car. This can make you lose control of your car, but with both hands on the steering wheel you will be in control of your car.


  1. Make Sure Your Car Is Ready For Storm Driving

Everything on your car should be working correctly for safe driving during storm season. Your headlights should be working correctly and your tires in their best condition.


Also, make sure you have the necessary supplies in case of a fault. You should also have something to drink or eat in case you are forced to stop.



  1. Mind Larger Vehicles

Larger vehicles are more prone to the effects of strong winds. Car towing, trailers, tractors and other large vehicles can be easily moved by a strong wind which can cause them to veer off the road.


Give space to large vehicles and maintain a safe distance.


  1. Turn on Headlights And Windshield Wipers

Visibility is usually low during storms. Make sure your headlights are turned on to be visible by other motorists.


Windshield wipers should also be on to wipe down water or any other materials that can rest on your windshield.


Car accidents can happen during storms, but with these safety tips accidents can be avoided.

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